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Here's one for the brain trust. I am completely stumped myself and need some help. My car is a Vintage Speedster.

The engine compartment is closed and the wire that releases it has come off the locking mechanism . I can't get at it from below as it can't be seen with the engine seal there which hides everything.

A friend suggested removing the nut at the bottom and inside the grill of which I did. There is a threaded bolt the nut was on which is 1 1/2 " long. I can now lift the trunk up some making a 1/2" crack where it closes and it looks like that threaded bolt is holding the hood down---that bolt wiggles when I force the lid open to that 1/2". I can't remove the grill because the luggage rack is in the way and is held from inside.

A real PITA.

I'm sure this has happened to others--how did you solve it?

Many thanks!

2007 Vintage Speedster/ Jake Raby TYPE IV engine

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Here's one for the brain trust. I am completely stumped myself and need some help. My car is a Vintage Speedster.

The engine compartment is closed and the wire that releases it has come off the locking mechanism . I can't get at it from below as it can't be seen with the engine seal there which hides everything.

A friend suggested removing the nut at the bottom and inside the grill of which I did. There is a threaded bolt the nut was on which is 1 1/2 " long. I can now lift the trunk up some making a 1/2" crack where it closes and it looks like that threaded bolt is holding the hood down---that bolt wiggles when I force the lid open to that 1/2". I can't remove the grill because the luggage rack is in the way and is held from inside.

A real PITA.

I'm sure this has happened to others--how did you solve it?

Many thanks!

Roland----you get the prize. That's exactly what I did---removed a piece of baffling and was able to get a coat hanger to pull the latch and voila! What a relief too as this was really bugging me to the max.

Thanks to all for your ideas on how to fix this problem. If not for this site and the helpful folks here I might have been one of those guys who sold their Speedster with just a few hundred miles rather than 11,000 seg miles since new.

OK, we have very good skinny here for PM: run a second wire/cable out the bottom for emergency use. This is very good thinking. Perhaps something similar would apply to the bonnet up front?? I'll have to look at both situations. I recall that w/ my old P-cars (both coupes) one tool that was always in the box was a coat hanger. Came in handy on many an ocassion. One was coming across a sweet young thing in a Cabriolet in the Rocky mtns one fine morning; she was busy tearing away at her canvas top, trying to get into her car, having been locked out. I stopped to help out. An interesting story, best told w/ beer in hand . . .
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