You guys haven't been on the open road much...and it shows. We've had MANY encounters with the Speedster that you'd not be familiar with. We bought the little bugger in Boise, Idaho three years and drove it through Utah, Colorado etc. and East to upstate NY then home to Ottawa, Canada. The trip got derailed a bit and we spent a long weekend in Spanish Fork, Ut with a loaner and got up to Sundance and Park City. Now, heading East, just after visiting Buffalo Bill's grave site, with a new set of tires etc. and feeling fairly confident, we're coming down a huge interstate near Denver probably doing a staggering 60 mph with the lowly, stock 1600 running well, a Biker / W B ( and a nice looker she was ) lad pulls up behind and sits back a bit and checks us out. No plates on the back of the car. No plates on the front either. One travel permit under the seat as it was in my view a bit affixed to the windshield as instructed back in Boise. He pulls up aside and checks us out, pulls ahead looking for front plates..nada. He laughs gives us the thumbs up and pulls away. I knew we were doing the right thing. He knew it too. It's just a feeling you's shiny pics, just memories that can't be replicated.
Now, again in the open road thing ( you guys should try it more often ) there's opportunity for fun sometimes. Francine likes to tan certain things when heading East and the sun is in the right direction for the time of day. Opportunity for amusement now exists. We don't drive that fast so the passing truck drivers normally just give a few blasts of approval. Mini Vans are more fun to watch.
Typically a family SUV or Mini Van will approach from behind, check the car out for a while, maybe wake the kids up to see the really neat car we're gonna pass and get the camera ready. They get everything set up, take some pics and then pull up to see who the hell is driving in this crazy thing and get ready for more pics. Predictably, the right seater is the Wife / Mother of the rest and in very short order demands max acceleration on a befuddled driver. He gets nothing but disapproval for the rest of the trip and probably paid for most of it..... and will hear about it for months to come. I am to blame an accept full responsibility.
One other thing comes to light of an amusing highlight of that cross country trip. I make my living in Canada with Out Door Advertising....billboards on roadways to be exact. I don't miss much that way on any trip and while traveling through Kansas I found most related to Lawyers, // " bars " // and the best one of all...Teeth pulled for
$ 39.00 ....OW, eh ?